

Philosophy / Vision

We, the Toyota Tsusho Group, deliver to countries around the world a diverse range of products and services essential for building prosperous and comfortable societies and managing the global environment. We are guided by a four-level philosophy system that enables us to successfully meet the challenges of each new age.





Fundamental Philosophy

~Steadfast, overriding ideals that should be passed on through the generations~

Living and prospering together with people, society, and the planet, we aim to be a value-generating corporation that contributes to the creation of prosperous societies.


Behavioral Guidelines​

As a good corporate citizen,

  • We will strive for open and fair corporate activities;
  • We will be socially responsible and strive for conservation ofthe natural environment;
  • We will be creative and strive to provide added value;
  • We will respect people and strive to create an engaging workplace.

We have established Global Code of Conduct & Ethics (10 creeds), which makes Behavioral Guidelines more concrete, on July 1st, 2016.



Global Vision - for the next 10 years established in 2016 -

Goals and milestones we should reach as we continue pursuing and realizing our fundamental philosophy


The Toyota Tsusho Group will continue to pursue
and strive to achieve our ideal of "Be the Right ONE".

วิสัยทัศน์ Global Vision – ภาพในอุดมคติ





The Right ONE for you

In response to our stakeholders' needs (the genba), we will strive to provide optimal safety, service, quality, and reliability.

The Right ONE for us

Maximizing the capabilities of each individual, global networks, and diversity, we will unite to bring out the most in our comprehensive strengths.

The Right ONE for future

Applying our unique insights and capabilities, we strive to lead the way for a sustainable society and the future.




Mid-term Business Plan Annual Plan
Strategies for business activities re ecting shifts in the business environment, consisting of business activity policies, trajectories, concrete action plans, and quantitative targets

Toyota Tsusho DNA
Weaving our precious mindset and behavior from the past to the present and the future for continuing to "Be the Right ONE"